When it comes to choosing a wheelchair ramp, you’ve got a variety of materials to choose from, including stainless steel, wood, and aluminum. Stainless steel ramps offer a number of distinct advantages, including the following:
Weight Capacity
Stainless steel ramps can hold a ton of weight – literally. While the specific weight capacity varies based on the particulars of the ramp, in general, stainless steel beats out almost any other material. A stainless steel ramp can easily support multiple users and their heavy electronic mobility devices. In addition, a stainless steel ramp is unlikely to sustain severe damage if something heavy is dropped on it.
Weather Resistance
Wood rots. Stainless steel doesn’t. Stainless steel is unaffected by rain, snow, or heat. Bugs don’t eat it, and it won’t rust or corrode. Even a heavy snowfall won’t affect a stainless steel ramp since its ability to carry large, heavy loads is significant. Stainless steel ramps are largely unharmed by weather of any kind.
If you’re in the market for a portable ramp, stainless steel is a strong, lightweight option. While your stainless steel ramp can bear heavy burdens, it isn’t particularly heavy itself. Installing a permanent stainless steel ramp is much easier than wood largely because it’s lighter and easier to maneuver.
Design Flexibility
Stainless steel ramps are available in modular form, making them easy to configure and move as needed. You can create a ramp in any layout; you can choose the gradient, the size, and the shape to suit your space perfectly. You can also find different colors and finishes to help you blend your ramp into its environment.
Stainless steel ramps can be perforated to allow snow and water to pass without collecting and causing a slipping hazard. Surfaces can also be covered with traction-enhancing materials to offer further protection. A gentle slope, an anti-slip surface, and sturdy handrails all work together to create wheelchair ramps that are attractive, safe, and easy to maintain.
Are there any downsides to stainless steel?
Every material has its pros and cons. Aluminum is the lightest, but it’s prone to dents and dings and can’t carry as much weight as wood or stainless steel. Wood has an aesthetic advantage but requires maintenance to keep it looking its best. But overall, stainless steel provides an excellent value, especially over the long term, as it’s extremely durable and has a long life.
Stainless steel ramps are an excellent choice. Talk to your local dealer today about stainless steel wheelchair ramps.
When it comes to choosing a wheelchair ramp, you’ve got a variety of materials to choose from including stainless steel, wood, and aluminum. Stainless steel ramps offer a number of distinct advantages.