We all make plans. Some are better planners than others, but even the worst planners try to make a go of it from time to time. Many of us have retirement plans. We make vacation plans every spring. We came up with a savings plan to ensure Junior gets to go to college. But what about security? Do you have a security plan for home and family?
By their nature, most security events constitute emergencies. Maybe it’s a fire. Perhaps it is a burglar trying to force their way into the house. These things tend to catch us off guard. But with a security plan in place, we can be as prepared as possible when security emergencies occur.
Vivint Smart Home, a company that sells home security and automation equipment, recommends a home security system as a starting point. A system that protects against burglary, fire, carbon monoxide poisoning, and medical emergencies offers a good framework for staying safe.
In the Event of Burglary
Every family should have a security plan that addresses burglary. Remember that burglary is legally defined as entering a structure with the intent to commit a crime. Most burglaries happen when people are not home, but not all. You need to plan for the latter possibility.
If family members are home and someone tries to break in, each one should know what to do. There should be a plan in place for contacting the police and staying safe. If possible, outfitting your home with a safe room is not a bad idea. Planning escape routes is another logical strategy.
In the Event of Fire
Fire officials have been telling us for decades how important it is to plan how to respond to a house fire. We have been told to plan escape routes and to settle on a location, away from the house, where family members can gather after escaping. And we have been told to practice by running escape drills every now and again.
So much effort may seem like overkill, but it could end up saving lives. If nothing else, every member in the family should know basic fire safety procedures in the event a blaze does break out.
In the Event of CO Leaks
Carbon monoxide (CO) leaks are especially dangerous because the gas itself is colorless and odorless. Nonetheless, you can plan for potential CO poisoning by educating your family on the symptoms. Furthermore, everyone should be instructed about what to do if a CO leak is suspected. This includes getting out of a house and calling the local fire department.
Just Have a Plan
Regardless of the emergency, a plan for responding is key to remaining composed rather than panicking. People panic because they don’t know what to do. But if a plan is created, learned, and practiced frequently enough, the likelihood of panic goes down. Why? Because you know what to do.
Your plans for any given emergency do not have to be identical to someone else’s. They can be whatever you feel they should be. Just have a plan. Determine the best way for you and your family to react to the types of emergencies described in this post. Then draw up plans accordingly. Teach those plans to family members and go over them on a regular basis.
We make a point of establishing retirement plans so that we do not run out of money. We plan for vacation to prevent aimlessly wandering around. We should plan for emergencies, too. A few well-laid plans can make the difference in how we respond to potentially harmful security emergencies.